Friday, August 29, 2008

Self feeding of pulled pork

I made some of my famous pulled pork the other night and decided to let Carson try some. Come to find out, he loved it. Of course he refused to let me feed it to him and insisted that he did it ALL BY HIMSELF. He is not the cleanest eater, as you can see. For some reason, it never, fails, he rubs his nasty hands through his hair. He loves it, learns, and I pay the price of having to clean the kitchen after every meal. I dont mind though, his messes bring me smiles.

The mess gets worse when Brison gets him excited and he smacks his hand on the tray and splatters it everywhere.

Bananas Fun-park

So we went to Bananas for my mom and larry's anniversary on the 27th. They would have never of guessed that they would be spending their anniversary with their daughter, grandson, and Char. It was really hot out, but we still enjoyed all the activities and games. Carson was not sure about the bump -and- jumps, so we did not spend to much time doing that.

The girl had one rule, "dont spray me," what did mom do, she got her while trying to get Larry. The girl was not impressed.

Air hockey--made my arms muscles very sore the next day

Carson was loving his Uncle Travis's hat. He was taking it and sliding all over the floors with it.

Monkey backpack for my little Monkey

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tucker Time

I was so excited to see Liz, Adam, Wyatt, and their newest addition to their family, Will. They came to Junction to visit, fly, and stayed a few days. We had a great time swimming, shopping, and taking pictures. The pool was an amazing 80 degrees. Nice and warm for the babies. Wyatt and Carson got along so good. Wyatt just loved Carson and kept giving him lots of kisses and hugs. Too Sweet. To top it off, Brison was finally off for a day and was able to join us.

Studying him....

Going in for the KISS....

He loves him soooo much

Beautiful mommy and Will

Wyatt, in motion, Brison and Carson

Pool time

Adam and Will

Daddy and Carson

Pam's accident

Pam, my moms friend, was in a roll over on I-70 and Horizon dr. in Grand Junction. He rear end was clipped by another driver and she ended up rolling her truck 4 times and landing on a gaurd rail. She was taken to St. Mary's and suffers from a broken ankle and knee, shattered arm, and a deep cut to her other leg. She is doing well and is very lucky. Pray for a fast recovery.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Little Tikes blow-up car and ball pit

It never fails, he can always find some way to bonk his head.

Carson's active life

Carson has been doing really good. He is very active and keeps us busy ALL day. He had his 9 month check-up and all is well. He weighed in at 22.11 lbs. and was 29 1/2inches long. He gained and grew 2 lbs and 2 inches in 2 months. He now has 4 teeth, two up top and two below. His doctor said that he has four more getting ready to come in real soon. That should be some fun nights!!! Bruises sure do come along with being very active, I have decided. He got his first bruise on his head yesterday when he was playing under the table. I thought it was good, being his first, considering that he falls and bonks his head at least 10 times a day. Brison and I always joke around and say that we are going to buy him one of those helmets to wear.

His cute little teeth.

Thinking about crawling under the table.....

Darting for the chance before I grab him.. He thinks it is a game.

1st bruise on his forehead

Birthday Gathering

The family got together to have steaks and celebrate Grandma and Larrys birthday. Brison was working and did not get off in time to join us. =(