Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter Bunny

Carson was not happy with the Easter Bunny this year. His eyes started to well up and he was reaching for Brison to come and get him. We love the memories, but it is not the best picture. However, below we got some pretty cute snaps of him all dressed up and ready to go and see the Bunny in his nice suit. Sometimes we look at him and he looks so much older and bigger than a 17 months old :( Where does time go?


Brenda @ said...

Our kids were always a little freaked out by the Easter Bunny as well.. They never did like getting their pics taken or sitting on his lap.

Now they have decided that the Easter Bunny isn't too bad. They think he is friends with Santa and is really a man dressed up in a suite, "because it is silly to think that a bunny could make it to everyone's house in one night". They are pretty smart, it makes much more sense to think that a man dressed up in a bunny suit hopping around could finish the job.